Benutzerdefinierte Star Wars R2-D2 kompatible Bausteine Spielzeugset 2127 Stück
83,99 $
119,99 $
Overall, the Set is of good design, and the instruction manual was very easy to follow, although it wasnt a 100% accurate.
However, there are a few flaws with the product
Firstly, the bricks themselves are generally a good fit, however, there are a few that are very loose, and if you have to move the model, can easily fall off.
Secondly, there was approximately 10 pieces that were missing, luckily i could add them from my own personal stock.
There are a few other parts that do not fit snugly together, for example the middle leg mechanism, if you move it, the middle leg will fall out.
If they bricks were designed to fit better together, you would have definitely got 4 stars. If all the pieces were there it might even have got a 5.
Overall, you pay for what you get, yes you save your money on a product such as this, but sadly the standard does drop.